Sunday, January 17, 2010

Now: Coming to Your Ears

Just in you are one of the 2 people who read my blog but don't see my updates on Twitter or Facebook, I have an announcement: I was on a podcast!

The kind folks at graciously allowed me to share a few thoughts. You can check it out over on their site:

What to expect:
On this week’s GCP: essential features in PC game ports, the “Rockstar Wives” and the ethical issues behind working in the game industry, the games we bought over the holidays, and which game companies we’d work for.
Hope it's at least half as enjoyable to listen to as it was to record.

Disclaimer: while my language is tame, I can't say as much for the others. They are all amazing guys and we had a great discussion, but you may want to skip if you are easily offended.

1 comment:

  1. You did an excellent job, it was really an engaging listen, even for someone who knows you well, has heard basically all the stuff about Sensory Sweep before, and isn't terribly focused on PC gaming. We need to do one.
